Browse Items (333 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Previous Page of 7 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Editorial: 300 YEARS ON: THE SEARCH FOR WILLIAM DAMPIER AND HIS ELUSIVE SHIP M. McCarthy 2015 Economic plants Jose R Velasco; Consuelo V Asis; Ludivina S De Padua 1998 Ecology, Epidemics and Empires: Environmental Change and the Geopolitics of Tropical America, 1600-1825 J.R. McNEILL 1999 Early American Chemical Societies: 1. The 1789 Chemical Society of Philadelphia 2. The Chemical Society of Philadelphia Wyndham Miles 1950 DUPERREY AND THE DISCOVERY OF NANUMAGA IN 1824: AN EPISODE IN PACIFIC EXPLORATION Doug Munro, Keith S. Chambers 1989 Dictionary of scientific biography Frederic L Holmes; Charles Coulston Gillespie 2007 Dictionary of protopharmacology : therapeutic practices, 1700-1850 J Worth Estes 1990 Diccionario de historia natural de las Islas Canarias José de Viera y Clavijo; Cristóbal Corrales Zumbado; Dolores Corbella Díaz 2014 Diagnosing empire : women, medical knowledge, and colonial mobility Narin Hassan 2016 Demonic Possessions and Mental Illness: Discussion of selected cases in Late Medieval Hagiographical Literature Carlos Espí Forcén, Fernando Espí Forcén 2014 Década de encuentro : Argentina y Gran Bretaña, 1989-1999 Judith Ana Canclini de Figueroa; Silvia Ruth Jalabe; Roberto Guyer; Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales 2011 Darwin's sciences : how Charles Darwin voyaged from rocks to worms in his search for facts to explain how the earth, its geological features, and its inhabitants evolved Duncan M Porter; Peter W Graham 2016 Cultures of disaster : society and natural hazard in the philippines. Greg Bankoff 2015 Cultural Worlds of the Jesuits in Colonial Latin America Linda Newson 2020 Crops in a machine: industrialising barley breeding in twentieth-century Britain (pp. 142-160) Matthew Holmes 2018 Creating a Hygienic Dorm: The Refashioning of Aboriginal Women and Children and the Politics of Racial Classification in Queensland 1920s–40s Meg Parsons 2012 Counterfactuals, Thought Experiments, and Singular Causal Analysis in History Julian Reiss 2009 Corruption in the Iberian empires : greed, custom, and colonial networks Rosenmüller, Christoph 2017 Contribución al estudio de la historia natural de las Islas Salvajes : resultados de la expedición científica "Agamenón 76" (23 de febrero-3 de marzo de 1976) Agamenón Setenta y Seis. 1978 Contested Bodies: Pregnancy, Childrearing, and Slavery in Jamaica SASHA TURNER 2019 Constructing a Narrative: The History of Science and Technology in Latin America M Portuondo 2009 Constructing 'Race' across the Science-Lay Divide: Racial Formation in the Epidemiology and Experience of Cardiovascular Disease Janet K. Shim 2005 Conquest and pestilence in the early Spanish Philippines Linda A Newson 2009 Conquering nature in Spain and its empire, 1750-1850 Hellen Cowie 2011 Coming of age : the sexual awakening of Margaret Mead Blum, Deborah Colonialism and science : Saint Domingue in the old regime James E McClellan, III 2010 Colonialism and Psychology of Culture Sumie Okazaki E. J. R. David Nancy Abelmann 2008 Colonial pathologies : American tropical medicine, race, and hygiene in the Philippines Warwick Anderson 2006 Colonial Fellows of the Royal Society of London, 1661-1788 Raymond Phineas Stearns 1948 Coffee is not forever : a global history of the coffee leaf rust Stuart George McCook 2019 Climate, Medicine, and Peruvian Health Resorts Mark Carey 2014 Citation analysis of cuban research. Part 1. A case study: the Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science Raúl G Torricella-Morales; Guido Van Hooydonk; Juan Antonio Araujo-Ruiz 2000 Ciencia, tecnología y universidad en Iberoamérica Mario E Albornoz; José A López Cerezo 2012 Ciencia y presencia extranjera en las Islas Canarias Fernando de Ory Ajamil 2007 Ciencia y política en Puerto Rico Bonnet, Juan A., Escabí Pérez, José R. 1990 Chaulmoogra Oil and the Treatment of Leprosy John Parascandola 2003 Charles Hatchett FRS (1765-1847), Chemist and Discoverer of Niobium William P. Griffith, Peter J. T. Mo 2003 Charles Darwin in the Cape Verde and Galápagos archipelagos: The role of serendipity in development of theories on the ups and downs of oceanic islands. Markes E. Johnson and B. Gudveig Baarli 2015 Canarios en Cuba : un capítulo en la historia del archipiélago, 1875-1931 Gregorio José Cabrera Déniz 1996 Canario Miguel Gordillo en la ciencia cubana del siglo XIX García González, Armando 2008 C. D. Darlington and the British and American Reaction to Lysenko and the Soviet Conception of Science Oren Solomon Harman 2003 Building Networks for Science: Conflict and Cooperation in Nineteenth-Century Global Marine Studies Azadeh Achbari 2015 Breaking New Ground? Gifford Pinchot and the Birth of 'Empire Forestry' in the Philippines, 1900-1905 GREG BANKOFF 2009 Botany in the Service of Empire: The Barbados Cane‐Breeding Program and the Revival of the Caribbean Sugar Industry, 1880s–1930s J. H. Galloway 1996 Botany and zoology in the late seventeenth-century Philippines: the work of Georg Josef Camel SJ (1661–1706) Raquel A. G. Reyes 2011 Botanical Authority: Benjamin Delessert’s Collections between Travelers and Candolle’s Natural Method (1803–1847) Thierry Hoquet 2014 Born to die : disease and the New World conquest, 1492-1650 Noble David Cook 1998 Bodies on the Beach: Domesticates and Disasters in the Spanish Philippines 1750-1898 GREG BANKOFF 2007 Beyond Prejudice and Pride: The Human Sciences in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Latin America Julia Rodriguez 2013 Between the National and the Universal: Natural History Networks in Latin America in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Regina Horta Duarte 2013 Previous Page of 7 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2